How API logs create a competitive customer experience

5 min read

API logs go beyond troubleshooting issues. They improve customer experience. API logs provided by an API platform follow best practices with filters, replay functionality, and embedded support on secure, stable, and scalable infrastructure. Use API log data to improve customer support, customer experience and improve your API products. Here’s how API logs create a competitive customer experience. 

The information age has created incredible value through network effects. As more sources of data become compatible, more connections are possible. There is an abundance of value available in these connections, which we see in social media platforms, the internet of things, and AI to name a few. There is also an increase in complexity. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are enabling these connections. They are the connective tissue in these networks. With APIs, you can access insightful data, pre-built functionality, and microservices. Customers now expect accurate information and access to products and services with a click. There is low tolerance for 400/500 error messages and empty icons where data should be displayed.

Luckily for API providers and customers, APIs can tell you everything you need to know about their performance. They do this through API logs. API providers and clients can see what went wrong and quickly fix it. 

To provide the best customer experience API logs should be available. Not only will logs help when something goes wrong, but they can also highlight what is going right. With insights from API logs, you can improve your API products and your customers' experience. With API logs included in your API portal, you can seamlessly provide the ultimate API product. Let’s explore how. 

What is an API Log 

Each time an API is used to send and receive a response the operation is logged. This is also true for continuous streaming or API events. This provides API analytics on the activities of the API which can be used for insight. If any problems occur with a request, the logs can be used to understand the issue and debug your API. 

How API logs help providers and consumers

Troubleshoot API issues in real-time

API logs provide a vast amount of information. It’s important to know what to look out for. API logs should not only be accessible but they should have the ability to filter and replay API calls. Logs can provide analytics of user calls and API products. They can help highlight where customers are receiving error codes with a historical view of the calls. A simple filter by error code and replay of the call can quickly identify the issue and support customers in resolving these issues in real-time. 

Provide awesome end-user support  

API logs can be visualized for the API provider and consumer. When customers are experiencing difficulties with their APIs, these logs can be used to improve the customer experience. A helpdesk can use the visualization to address and resolve any issues API consumers are facing.
You can remove the need for helpdesk support all together by including metrics and tools directly for developers. The data from API logs highlight personalised usage data in dashboards on an API platform. Developers can quickly identify where they are encountering challenges and resolve these themselves. 

Improve your API product 

With less time needed to support your customers, you can use the information from your API calls to improve your product. Through the logs, it will be clear to see where there are issues with results and performance. Use this information to enhance your API product and resolve these challenges. Or move beyond the challenge areas and gain a deeper understanding of the entire developer journey. Review the API calls from sign-up to API call. You may even find ideas for new API products for your customers. 

Transparent usage data for developers 

Just as API providers can use the log data to improve their products, so can developers. The log data empowers them with their call history, and their ability to replay, test, and debug their calls. This can be especially helpful when developers are integrating APIs. The use of the replay and filters are especially useful, along with event IDs to talk through challenges when additional support is needed. 

Why your API platform should include API logs 

An API platform like Blobr includes logs for both the provider and consumer of an API. This means you do not need any add-on tools. The functionality is included with the platform which provides additional benefits. API logs in Blobr follow best practices with a clear focus on creating the best customer experience. 

Blobr has considered the needs of the API providers and consumers. The API logs provide data in real-time and are segmented and aggregated by clearly defined parameters. This creates the filters you need to understand the logs provided. More than that, API customers will be able to view dashboards with all their API data. We combine core elements like API authentication, limits, documentation, monetization, and analytics. This enhances the analytics you get on Blobr as both an API provider and consumer.  Functionality like replay is included and there are even additional helpdesk options like a chat box to quickly communicate challenges and ask for help. This is all built on the reliable and secure infrastructure available globally, designed for scale, and customizable to suit your brand. 

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