Arrêtez de gaspiller votre budget Ads.

L'IA de Blobr analyse vos campagnes Ads pour trouver les optimisations qui vous sauvent de l'argent.

Les tableaux de bord n'expliquent pas le pourquoi

Vous perdez du temps et des efforts à établir des corrélations manuelles pour comprendre le « pourquoi » sur vos tableaux de bord.

Analyse superficielle

Vous cherchez des corrélations manuellement via Excel ou à l'aide de plusieurs applications. Vous vous fiez à votre expérience pour expliquer les KPI.

Monitoring chronophage

Surveiller en permanence les indicateurs de performance clés et déchiffrer les modifications des données peut demander beaucoup de travail, ce qui retarde l'identification des informations cruciales et des causes profondes.

Mauvaise utilisation du budget

Vous vous efforcez de comprendre les changements au lieu de les anticiper. L'analyse manuelle et les événements manqués tels que les anomalies ont un impact majeur.

Une IA qui travaille 24/7 sur vos données marketing

Il explore vos données Shopify et les met en corrélation avec vos campagnes publicitaires.

Large analyse des données

Corrélations et analyses de vos dépenses publicitaires pour des informations plus approfondies.

Comprenez pourquoi

Toutes les variations de vos KPI sont remises en question en permanence.

Concentrez-vous sur la stratégie

Un produit est en rupture de stock ? Blobr le sait et signale les publicités concernées.
Find new keywords with more than X impression per month in {country} that relates with the ones used in campaign ID 14950443280.
Identify all broadmatch keywords and potential duplicates. So, for example, if you have the broad match keywords “red nike shoes”, “nike red shoes” and “nike shoes red”, those are duplicates. Recommend to pause all duplicates and keep only one everytime without making additional call.
What are the target keywords for {domain name}, and how do they compare with the keywords of our campaigns?
Recommend new ad headlines and descriptions based on the result of the previous step”.
“What are the top 20 text keywords in ad group ad for the ad id 144563996829 with at least one conversion, including impressions, clicks, conversions and cost? Identify descriptions and headlines for the ad id 144563996829.
Identify product titles and related analytics (metrics.clicks, metrics.impressions, metrics.cost_micros, metrics.conversions, metrics.conversions_value) for each product from shopping performance view for the ad group id 3729619986 for the last seven days. Provide information about the top 10 products with highest cost and low conversion.
What is the ad strength for the asset group id 144563996829? Recommend to improve the content of the top combination view if the ad strength is not excellent.
Retrieve all negative keywords for the following campaign 372961998672. What is the performance for each keyword for the ad group 372961998672. Recommend to change negative keywords if they prevent some keywords assigned to the ad group to get traffic.
Identify for the ad group id 144563996829, the correlation between high CTR for the last seven days and the quality score of the related keywords in ad ad group id 14456399682
What are the adjectives used in the headlines and descriptions for ad id 372961998672? Recommend the best adjectives to use and adjacent ones.
What are the search terms related to the worst ad group 144563996829 last 28 days? What are the headlines and description of the ad group 144563996829? Propose new ad copy that match better the search terms.

Explore how Blobr helps companies optimize their ad spend

Improve Keywords Related to Ad and Search Terms


Here is the information regarding the cost per conversion for keywords during the past 60 days, whereas the average cost per conversion during the year is €16.20 for this ad.

• "school sports equipment" - €89.11
• "sports facilities" - €43.59
• "multisport field" - €101.40
• “health safety at work”  - €112.90
• "basementpro sports equipment" - €168.56
• "sports facilities construction" - €60.44

There was a total spending with at least €592.2 spent on keywords way beyond the average cost per conversion historically observed in this ad.


Add the previous keywords as negative keywords to prevent further spending for this ad.

Device-Specific Performance Insights


Over the last 30 days, mobile devices show a significantly higher cost per conversion in some campaigns. Example:

In Campaign “Search - UK - Sandals Summer Sale 2024 - 50% Off”, mobile has a conversion cost of $119.48, while desktop has a much lower conversion cost of $26.89.

Campaigns targeting mobile users are driving up costs without proportionate returns, leading to a lower return on ad spend (ROAS).


Device Bid Adjustments: Reduce bids for mobile campaigns where the CPC is very high. For instance, consider lowering mobile bids by 50-60% for campaign “Search - UK - Sandals Summer Sale 2024 - 50% Off”.
Mobile-Optimized Landing Pages: Ensure that landing pages are fully optimized for mobile.
Exclude Underperforming Devices: In extreme cases, consider excluding mobile devices from campaigns where desktop performs significantly better.

Optimize Ad Headlines for Better Engagement


The campaign already utilizes well-crafted headlines focusing on luxury and exclusivity, such as “Luxury 5* Bali” and “Bvlgari Resort Bali: Beyond Ordinary.” However, some headlines could be more concise and actionable, especially considering the 30-character limit.


• Replace “Bali Private Villas” with “Private Villas in Bali” (More keyword-focused, likely to match search intent).
• Use emotional appeal and personalization with headlines like “Your Bali Retreat” or “Bali Escape Awaits.”
• Introduce location-specific attributes to leverage local SEO, such as “Seaside Villas Bali.”

Optimize Bids Cost Spikes by Hour of the Day


Over the last 28 days, ad spend between 18:00 and 19:00 spiked noticeably without a matching rise in conversions.

• 18:00 - 19:00: $84.56 in ad spend.
• 19:00 - 20:00: $71.60 in ad spend.
• 09:00 - 10:00: $30.32 in ad spend.
• 14:00 - 16:00: These hours have a lower cost (~$56-$72), but show the highest ROAS

ROAS comparison:
• 11:00: ROAS of 20.84
• 14:00: ROAS of 21.12
• 15:00: ROAS of 28.36


Reduce bids spend between 18:00 and 20:00 due to high costs without conversions, and shift budget to high-ROAS hours like 14:00 - 16:00 for more cost-effective conversions.

View all use cases

Ad Expert in Action: Recommendations From Every Angle

Improve Keywords Related to Ad and Search Terms


Here is the information regarding the cost per conversion for keywords during the past 60 days, whereas the average cost per conversion during the year is €16.20 for this ad.

• "school sports equipment" - €89.11
• "sports facilities" - €43.59
• "multisport field" - €101.40
• “health safety at work”  - €112.90
• "basementpro sports equipment" - €168.56
• "sports facilities construction" - €60.44

There was a total spending with at least €592.2 spent on keywords way beyond the average cost per conversion historically observed in this ad.


Add the previous keywords as negative keywords to prevent further spending for this ad.

Device-Specific Performance Insights


Over the last 30 days, mobile devices show a significantly higher cost per conversion in some campaigns. Example:

In Campaign “Search - UK - Sandals Summer Sale 2024 - 50% Off”, mobile has a conversion cost of $119.48, while desktop has a much lower conversion cost of $26.89.

Campaigns targeting mobile users are driving up costs without proportionate returns, leading to a lower return on ad spend (ROAS).


Device Bid Adjustments: Reduce bids for mobile campaigns where the CPC is very high. For instance, consider lowering mobile bids by 50-60% for campaign “Search - UK - Sandals Summer Sale 2024 - 50% Off”.
Mobile-Optimized Landing Pages: Ensure that landing pages are fully optimized for mobile.
Exclude Underperforming Devices: In extreme cases, consider excluding mobile devices from campaigns where desktop performs significantly better.

Optimize Ad Headlines for Better Engagement


The campaign already utilizes well-crafted headlines focusing on luxury and exclusivity, such as “Luxury 5* Bali” and “Bvlgari Resort Bali: Beyond Ordinary.” However, some headlines could be more concise and actionable, especially considering the 30-character limit.


• Replace “Bali Private Villas” with “Private Villas in Bali” (More keyword-focused, likely to match search intent).
• Use emotional appeal and personalization with headlines like “Your Bali Retreat” or “Bali Escape Awaits.”
• Introduce location-specific attributes to leverage local SEO, such as “Seaside Villas Bali.”

Optimize Bids Cost Spikes by Hour of the Day


Over the last 28 days, ad spend between 18:00 and 19:00 spiked noticeably without a matching rise in conversions.

• 18:00 - 19:00: $84.56 in ad spend.
• 19:00 - 20:00: $71.60 in ad spend.
• 09:00 - 10:00: $30.32 in ad spend.
• 14:00 - 16:00: These hours have a lower cost (~$56-$72), but show the highest ROAS

ROAS comparison:
• 11:00: ROAS of 20.84
• 14:00: ROAS of 21.12
• 15:00: ROAS of 28.36


Reduce bids spend between 18:00 and 20:00 due to high costs without conversions, and shift budget to high-ROAS hours like 14:00 - 16:00 for more cost-effective conversions.

Get started

An AI working 24/7 on your marketing data

It explores your applications data and correlates it with your ad campaigns.

Data analysis at scale

Correlations and analysis on your ad spend for deeper insights.

Get the why

Every variations of your KPIs are questioned continuously and the potential root causes analysed.


Blobr digs in to find improvements where it matters suggesting better ad copy, products to stop because soon out of stock or performance, etc.
Rapport Blobr AI : 15 juin 2024
Article en stock limité toujours annoncé
Shopify indique que Parfum de mer est presque épuisé. Pourtant, une publicité présentant le produit est toujours diffusée sur Google Shopping, avec 562 $ dépensés rien qu'hier.
Audience inadéquate
Au cours de la semaine passée, les campagnes Google Ads et Meta Ads pour le produit Eau de 206 pour homme ont montré une inadéquation notable de l'audience, comme en témoigne un faible taux de clics (1,2 % sur Google Ads et 1,5 % sur Meta Ads) et un coût par acquisition élevé (25 $ sur Google Ads et 28 $ sur Meta Ads).‍

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Des informations proactives

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