How does customer engagement (e.g., product usage frequency, support interaction) correlate with their risk level?

Based on a detailed analysis using HubSpot and Stripe data for the period up to May 2024, we have observed some intriguing correlations between customer engagement metrics, such as product usage frequency and support interactions, with their risk level:

Product Usage Frequency: Customers with higher product usage frequency are categorized with lower risk levels. This is due to their continued reliance on the product, which suggests satisfaction and integration into their operations.Support Interaction: Interestingly, a moderate level of support interaction correlates with a lower risk level. This indicates that customers who engage with support are likely to resolve issues and continue using the product effectively. However, very high levels of support interaction may indicate serious issues, thus correlating with a higher risk level.

Combined Impact: Customers exhibiting high product usage and moderate support interactions are typically in the lowest risk category. These patterns suggest a healthy engagement where customers utilize the product extensively and only seek support for optimization rather than troubleshooting major issues.These insights suggest strategic adjustments, such as increasing user engagement through regular updates and optimizing support channels to ensure efficient resolution of issues, can effectively lower customer risk levels.

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