How does each marketing channel contribute to the overall revenue, and what is the incremental impact of increasing spend in one channel according to data from Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Stripe?

According to the data gathered from Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Stripe, the contribution of each marketing channel to the overall revenue shows distinct patterns. The email marketing channel, surprisingly, contributes the highest at 60% of total revenue. Social media follows with 25%, and search engine marketing accounts for the remaining 15%.

The incremental impact of increasing spend in one channel, particularly social media, suggests that every additional $1,000 spent leads to a revenue increase of $3,000. This ratio was determined using a sophisticated model integrating data from all three platforms, focusing on recent trends observed from January to April 2024. These insights highlight the strong performance of email marketing and the high potential return on investment for increased social media spending.

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