Maximize ROI with AI-Powered, Data-Driven Budget Allocation for Your Google Ads

Take control of your advertising spend and ensure every dollar counts. Our AI-driven solution analyzes your Google Ads performance in real-time to optimize budget allocation, boost conversions, and increase profit margins.
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Example of Blobr analysis

Ad budget optimization identified
3 products, amounting to a weekly cost of $99.32, did not generate any conversions for the week of August 19, 2024. Consider pausing the products with the highest costs and reallocate budget for the following best performing products.
Worst performing:
- Red Baskets aero
- Kid Scratch Baskets
Best performing:
- Organic Baskets
- Green Olive Baskets

You stay in control, our AI provides suggestions about how to improve your ads

Directly connected to your Google Ads account
Understands the evolution of your ads performance
24/7 analysis identifies where optimisation is needed
Suggested content and keyword improvements

How it works

Our AI does the heavy lifting for you by

Identifying High-Value Keywords:
Discover which keywords are driving the most conversions and deserve increased bids. Our AI analyzes performance metrics to suggest optimal bidding strategies that maximize your reach and ROI.
Eliminating Wasteful Spending:
Pinpoint underperforming ads and items that drain your budget without delivering results. Receive recommendations on where to reduce or reallocate spend to improve overall campaign efficiency.
Optimizing Ad Spend Allocation:
Understand how to distribute your budget effectively across top-performing products and services. Our AI provides insights on allocating funds to areas with the highest potential for profit and growth.
Analyzing Impact of Changes:
Gain clarity on how your adjustments within Google Ads influence campaign performance. Learn from detailed analyses that highlight what strategies work best, enabling you to make informed decisions moving forward.
Evaluating Product Performance:
Get a comprehensive view of your products' performance in terms of profit margins. Identify which offerings are most lucrative and adjust your advertising focus accordingly to maximize profitability.

Join countless businesses that have transformed their advertising performance through intelligent budget optimization.

Start your free trial today and experience the difference strategic ad spend can make.
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