Gain Clear Insights into the Effects of Every Change You Make

Take the guesswork out of ad optimization with our AI-powered analysis tool. Understand the impact of every change you make to your ads and campaigns, and use these insights to continually improve your strategy.
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Example of Blobr analysis

Ad changes impact analysis
A change recorded on November 11, 2024, moving the Target ROAS from 4.9 to 8, may have led the campaign US-SHOPPING-Tshirts to record poorer performance for the week of November 11, 2024, compared to the week of November 4, 2024.
Week of November 4, 2024:
- Cost: $87.50 / Revenue: $637.30 - ROAS: 7.2
Week of November 11, 2024
- Cost: $71.80 - Revenue: $72.00 - ROAS: 1.0

You stay in control, our AI provides suggestions to maximise performance

Directly connected to your Google Ads account
Understands the evolution of your ads performance
24/7 analysis identifies what changes have the best impact
Suggest the best changes to implement to maximise performance

How it works

Our AI-driven tool enhances your campaign management by

Analyzing Every Change:
For every tweak or adjustment you make, our AI tracks the impact on performance week over week. See exactly how your changes influence results, allowing you to refine your approach based on data-driven insights.
Keeping a Detailed Change History:
Our tool maintains a comprehensive history of all changes made to your campaigns. It correlates these changes with performance evolution at every level, helping you identify patterns and trends that can guide your future strategy.
Spotting What Works and What Doesn’t:
Understand which changes lead to improvements and which don’t. Our AI highlights successful tactics and flags ineffective ones, enabling you to continuously refine your “secret recipe” for success.

Join the ranks of successful advertisers who are taking their ad performance to the next level with precise change tracking & analysis.

Start your free trial today and see how a better understanding of your changes can drive better results.
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