Improve Ad Performance by Eliminating Ineffective Keywords

Optimize your Google Ads campaigns with precision by using our AI-driven negative keyword suggestions. Remove irrelevant or costly keywords and streamline your targeting for better results.
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Example of Blobr analysis

Negative keywords identified
For keywords like "blue shoes" and "best scratch baskets," which have over 200 impressions but a CTR below 1%, it's recommended to add them as negative keywords to prevent wasting budget on low-performing queries.
Respectively $95.07 and $134.12 has been spent on those keywords without conversion and with a low CTR.

You stay in control, our AI provides suggestions about keywords improvements

Directly connected to your Google Ads account
Understands the evolution of all keywords performance
24/7 analysis of your keywords data
Identify duplicate and suggest to exclude keywords

How it works

Our AI solution helps you optimize keyword management by

Identifying Negative Keyword Candidates:
Our AI evaluates your campaign performance data, pinpointing keywords that are irrelevant, costly, or underperforming. These suggestions help you refine your targeting and maximize your ad spend efficiency.
Preventing Keyword Duplicates:
Ensure your campaigns are running smoothly with no duplicate keywords across all campaigns. Our tool automatically checks for duplicates, helping you maintain a clean and efficient keyword list.

Join successful advertisers who have streamlined their campaigns by effectively managing negative keywords.

Start your free trial today and discover how smarter keyword management can improve your ad performance.
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